Product Package Designing is a cumulative as well as a creatively iterative process, where user needs of the said product and business goals of the firm are effectively blended, to ensure the development of a successful product in the market. Product packaging design firms constantly strive to optimize the user experience in the solutions they make for targeted users—thereby assisting brands in making products sustainable that fulfill long-term business needs.
“If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design.”
– Dr. Ralf Speth, CEO of Jaguar Land Rover
Being one of the best Product designing Companies, we at DigiOn not only do aid in making products which aren’t just easy and delightful (or at least satisfying) to use, but also fine-tuned to do consistently well in the marketplace.
Product design services from DigiOn include defining product goals, creating product roadmaps (high-level summaries or 6–12-month forecasts of product offerings and features) and, ideally, helping brands release successful products. Much like usability and user interface (UI) design are subsets of user experience (UX) design, UX design fits within product design, as an integral part of DigiOn as a product design agency.
At DigiOn, when it comes to product packaging design services, we are glad to have embarked on this journey as a product design company quite impeccably with a firm hold on the subject. Our expert team ensures that the ‘5 core steps’ in the product design phase are duly followed namely- “Empathize”- where the end-user’s needs are deeply comprehended from emotional as well as usability aspects, “Define”- where the high level requirements are functionally refined, “ideate” where ideas are brainstormed and generated with efficacy, “ prototyping” where the previous phases are implemented in a beta version, “testing” where the final version is tested with a targeted group of users. This in effect spawns the “Product Roadmap” which can further be refined as future requirements evolve. There are many product design agencies that are potential hits in the market, and we vouch that DigiOn figures as an imminent choice. As a product design firm we aim in resolving the quiescent challenges that the product design realm has in store!
Packaging keeps the world organised. Whether it’s a packet for your sweet goodies, a hamper for your dirty laundry or the bottle that contains delicious elixirs such as juices for you, the entities we put things in are important! So what is product packaging? Product packaging design refers to the creation of the exterior of a product. That includes choices in material and form as well as graphics, colours and fonts that are used on wrapping, a box, a can, a bottle or any kind of container.
It’s a practical tool, yes. (I mean, how else are you going to sip your juice?) But it’s also much more. Like any good design ought to be, packaging narrates a story. It’s also a sensual experience, literally engaging our sight, touch and sound (and possibly smell and taste, depending on the product/package). All of these details enable us to fathom what the enclosed product could be , its utility , targeted users and the choice of buying it or not (most importantly).
The packaging industry has never been more important than it is today. Packaging design companies are presented with the arduous task of making the product appear seamless, functional yet attractive. Before embarking on the conception of packaging for any product there are 3 principle questions that any packaging design agency or team must rhetorically pose to themselves:
At DigiOn as a product packaging design company, we have an experienced team that guides you with all your packaging design requirements. We are experts in collating the information for your packaging design right from colours, logo, fonts, style, likes and dislikes, budget and more.
As a packaging design agency we also address principle points of concern such as understanding packaging layers, types, printer line-ups, information architecture, packaging evaluation, feedback collection and even more.
Indeed, UX designers are concerned with the entire process of acquiring and integrating a product (including aspects of branding). However, product design services extend this scope to carefully monitor their brands’ positions in the market over time. Product design firms gauge likely impacts of design decisions based on in-depth domain knowledge and keep teams and organizations mindful of bigger-picture and bottom-line realities, particularly for the mid- to long term. They can therefore prevent or minimize risky consequences of implementing designs, and help maximize and sustain gains.
Throughout a project, a product designing company will usually guide your design team and stakeholders on return on investment (ROI) and lower-level concerns such as the placement of interface elements. The product designer agency’s eye for factors such as product desirability and value is a vital safeguard to keep a brand competitive. In addition to what they would do as generalist-oriented UX designers (e.g., conducting UX research, creating personas) product designers also inform and plan roadmaps in close collaboration with development and marketing teams to ensure the feasibility of implementing designs.